Your Real Estate Asset and Portfolio Management Society – REMS

Connect. Learn. Transform Your Real Estate Strategy

Business Tower
Area:5.700 m2
Market Value:13,3 Mio €
Occupancy rate:97%
Yield (VW):9.2%
Markstrasse 2c
Area:3.200 m2
Market Value:8,3 Mio €
Occupancy rate:93%
Yield (VW):5,1%
Your Real Estate Asset and Portfolio Management Society - <mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-vivid-red-color">REMS</mark>
  • AREALIS Liegenschaftsmanagement GmbH / Wien
  • ARE Austrian Real Estate / Wien
  • Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.  (BIG) / Wien
  • Erste Group Immorent AG / Wien
  • Hutchison Drei Austria Gmbh / Wien
  • S IMMO AG / Wien / Berlin
  • Erste Immobilien Kapitalanlagegesellschaft / Wien
  • Domicil Real Estate GmbH / München
  • Immowert Immobiliengruppe / Wien
  • Galleon Capital Management GmbH
  • BBB Holding Immobiliengruppe / Wien
  • Shore Capital / Berlin
  • IFA Institut für Anlageberatung AG / Linz
  • Invester United Benefits GmbH / Wien
  • LLB Immo KAG / Wien
  • OPES Immobilien GmbH / München
  • P&P Group GmbH / München
  • Verifort Capital Group GmbH / Tübingen
  • ViennaEstate Immobilien AG / Wien
  • Wien 3420 aspern Development AG / Wien

Be Part of Our Network

Whether you are an industry veteran or just starting, this is the perfect opportunity to meet key players, exchange ideas and unlock opportunities that can propel your real estate asset & portfolio management.

Uncover Digital Strategies for Asset & Portfolio Management

Dive into the latest digital tool and techniques transforming real estate asset and portfolio management. Learn how technology can streamline operations, optimize performance and give you a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market.

Fuel Your Day with Free Food & Drinks

Take a break, refuel and refresh with an array of complimentary meals and beverages provided throughout the event.

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