Michael Schoppe, M.Sc., Geschäftsführer, LLB Immo KAG

Since June 2018, LLB Immo KAG has been using metamagix.ICRS in its full scope.” As an investment company, high data security and reliability are essential for us. With metamagix.ICRS, we have found a system which fully meets these requirements,” explains managing director Michael Schoppe.

“Our growth of assets under management is too big to manage all portfolios manually. The reliable and secure storage and control of information and data is our top priority,” says Karin Baumgartner, Head of Risk Management.

“Thanks to ICRS, we can now retrieve portfolio analyses conveniently with one single push of a button. This not only saves us valuable time and resources but also simplifies the planning and coordination of all activities,” continues Schoppe.
