Out-of-the-box sa stretáva s prispôsobením: na mieru pre Vašu firmu

Navrhneme s Vami Vaše vlastné riešenie

ICRS je najflexibilnejší systém na trhu a umožňuje presné prispôsobenie potrebám a procesom Vašej organizácie.

  • Existujúce zostavy programu Excel sa dajú preniesť a sú potom k dispozícii v centrálnej databáze.
  • Prispôsobenie navigácie a zoznamov
  • Označenia polí, zoskupenia a sekvencie pre lepší pracovný postup
  • Správy a rozhrania
  • Autorizačné skupiny
  • Viacjazyčnosť

Importing and Exporting Excel reports have never been easier

Existing Excel reports can be transferred and are then available on a central database. With the push of a button, you can have detailed and wide-ranging reports on your real estate properties.

ICRS Property Management Module

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Prispôsobenie navigácie a zoznamov

metamagix.ICRS enables you to navigate and organize property information effectively. It supports filtering and sorting options, providing you with tools to easily manage and track your properties.

Základný systém ICRS

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Better workflow with instant edit

Edit mask helps improve the accuracy and consistency of data entered into each property profile, allowing faster and more efficient workflow.

Základný systém ICRS

API integration

Ad-hoc reports and interfaces

metamagix.ICRS provides you with a set of detailed reports on the objects you are interested in, allowing you to make informed decisions. The reports can be customized to display only the information that is relevant to your needs

ICRS Portfolio Explorer

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Autorizačné skupiny

Role-based access control ensures that users are only able to access the data and functions that are necessary for their role and responsibilities, while preventing them from accessing sensitive or confidential information.

ICRS Advanced Access Control and Audit

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Multilingual functionality makes the system more accessible and user-friendly and facilitates communication in an international environment, thereby leading to better business outcomes.

Základný systém ICRS

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